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∩0∩ Happy birthday!生日快乐!Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.生日快乐,祝你今天过得愉快!Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life\'s way. May your bir...1、I wish you a happy birthday.2、Happy birthday, happy forever.3、祝生日快乐,开心永远。4、Happy birthday and have a good day!5、Happy birthday to you on this special d...

╯﹏╰ 生日快乐英文祝福语1 Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past 祝你度过一个最美好...Kobe, happy birthday, you will always be my heart's MVP. 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 Bryant, happy birthday, you will always be the MVP in my heart...

生日快乐英文祝福语简短寄语(通用27篇) 1、愿你生日快乐,微笑生活每一天! Happy Birthday to you, Smile every day of your life! 2、生日快乐,似水流年终不忘...朋友生日到来的时候也能能用英语的生日祝福语为朋友送上祝福, 下面是店铺为你整理的生日祝福英语,供大家阅览! 生日祝福英语【温馨版】 1. 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请...

ゃōゃ 科比生日快乐英语是Happy birthday to Kobe。生日快乐祝福语如下:1、今天是您的生日,愿所有的快乐、所有的幸福、...生日快乐英语祝福语 1、Don't feel bad growing old.I am right behind you. 变老了,不要难过。我永远在你身边。 2、With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.O...